- average duration of life
- средняя продолжительность жизни
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
life span — līf .span n 1) the duration of existence of an individual 2) the average length of life of a kind of organism or of a material object esp. in a particular environment or under specified circumstances … Medical dictionary
life span — 1. the longest period over which the life of any organism or species may extend, according to the available biological knowledge concerning it. 2. the longevity of an individual. [1915 20] * * * Time between birth and death. It ranges from a… … Universalium
life span — noun Date: 1898 1. the average length of life of a kind of organism or of a material object especially in a particular environment or under specified circumstances 2. the duration of existence of an individual … New Collegiate Dictionary
Life imprisonment — or life incarceration is a sentence of imprisonment for a serious crime, often for most or even all of the criminal s remaining life, but in fact for a period which varies between jurisdictions: many countries have a maximum possible period of… … Wikipedia
expectation of life — noun the average duration of life beyond a person s attained age, as shown by mortality tables …
Life Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Zoology In 2008 several zoological studies provided new insights into how species life history traits (such as the timing of reproduction or the length of life of adult individuals) are derived in part as responses to… … Universalium
duration — A sophisticated measure of the average timing of cash flows from an asset or a liability or from an asset portfolio or a liability portfolio. Essentially, duration is a more accurate measure of maturity because it reflects the timing of cash… … Financial and business terms
duration — 01. You must stay in your seats for the [duration] of the test. 02. His injury in the second game put him out for the [duration] of the season. 03. After arguing with her new husband on the airplane to Hawaii, the young bride remained silent for… … Grammatical examples in English
life span — 1. the longest period over which the life of any organism or species may extend, according to the available biological knowledge concerning it. 2. the longevity of an individual. [1915 20] * * * life span, 1. a) the length of time that it is… … Useful english dictionary
life — n. (pl. lives) 1 the condition which distinguishes active animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, functional activity, and continual change preceding death. 2 a living things and their activity (insect life;… … Useful english dictionary
average life — A somewhat artificial measure sometimes used to compare bonds of different duration and different repayment schedules. It is calculated as the average of the periods for which funds are available, weighted by the amounts available in each of… … Accounting dictionary